Stress profile

As it relates to stress, we have a tendency to have problems or break down where we are weakest. If you are predisposed to have insomnia when you are under stress, you will experience problems sleeping. If you are predisposed to having migraines or headaches, you will have headaches. If you are predisposed to have difficulty concentrating or remembering things, then you will have difficulty concentrating. This inventory breaks stress down into physical symptoms, psychological systems, or behavioral symptoms. If your stress is primarily manifest by physical symptoms you need a physical intervention like getting a good workout. Although, I have found working out to be one of the best stress management techniques you can engage in regardless, of how you experience stress. If your stress is primarily psychological in nature, then finding someone to talk too would be an appropriate approach to managing your stress . When I was a social worker, I use to tell my patients and clients that talking about or verbalizing your problems was one of the most therapeutic thing you can do. If your stress is manifest behaviorally, you need a behavioral intervention. For example, if when you are under stress and you become aware that you withdraw from friends, family, and colleagues, you can develop a plan to increase your opportunities to interact with others. Or, if you have a tendency to work too hard and too long when you are under stress, you can come up with a plan to consciously add some recreational activities into your daily routine. If you can identify where you have a tendency to have problems with stress , you can develop a plan to better help you cope with it.


Check off the symptoms you are experiencing now or that you recall having during recent stressful situations. Bear in mind that a high level of stress usually is indicated by a recurring pattern of symptoms rather than by any one time occurrence. There is a space at the end of each category to write in other symptoms (perhaps unique to you) that may indicate a high level of stress.

Physical Symptoms

________ Insomnia or wakefulness

________ Nightmares

________ Sleeping too much

________ Waking up exhausted

________ Chronic physical fatigue

________ Stomach cramps

________ Nausea or indigestion

________ Frequent constipation or diarrhea

________ Headaches or migraines

________ Stiff neck or sore shoulders

________ Lower back pain

________ Loss of appetite

________ Eating too much/weight problems

________ Dizziness

________ Rapid or pounding heartbeat

________ Breathlessness

________ High blood pressure

________ Skin rashes

________ Allergies

________ Frequent urination

________ Menstrual irregularities

________ Loss of interest in sex

________ Impotence/Inability to reach orgasm

________ Over reliance on caffeine

________ Use or abuse of alcohol

________ Use or abuse of other drugs

Other Physical Symptoms



Psychological Symptoms

________ Feeling rushed and under constant pressure

________ Feeling of isolation or loneliness

________ Catastrophic thinking, over personalizing situations

________ Difficulty making decisions (both major and minor)

________ Feeling left out, rejected at work or socially

________ Feeling inordinately vulnerable to criticism by other

________ Feeling misunderstood

________ Difficulty asking for help, denial of any problems

________ Inability to enjoy formerly pleasurable activities

________ Feeling trapped

________ Feeling insecure about or undeserving of a partner's affection

________ Frequent feelings of anger toward partner or significant others

________ Worrying frequently (more than is normal for you)

________ Obsession with distant or unobtainable goals

________ Frequent feelings of sadness or hopelessness

________ Grandiosity (exaggerating your importance to yourself and to others)

Other psychological symptoms



Behavioral symptoms

________ Deteriorating interpersonal relationships

________ Withdrawing from colleagues, friends, family

________ Frequent discord, arguments with partner

________ Problems with authority figures

________ Avoiding tasks and responsibilities, particularity those formerly welcomed

________ Pattern of lateness at work

________ Difficultly concentrating

________ Neglecting appearance and personal hygiene

________ Frequently forgetting importance information and commitments

________ Going to extremes (excessive gambling, spending sprees, compulsive habits)

________ Working too hard, too long

________ Uncompromising striving for perfection

Other behavioral symptoms

