Motivational inventory

Add Headings and they will appear in your table of contents.

As has been emphasized in the video's on my YouTube channel, knowing what motivates you is a very powerful thing. This inventory is intended to provide insight into the subject. It focuses on the individual's relative need for power, achievement, and affiliation. Knowing what your needs are, and the situations that best meet these needs can significantly increase your potential for success and contribute to your feelings of fulfillment.


This questionnaire consists of 12 statements. These are no right or wrong answers. For each statement indicate which of the three alternatives is most preferred or most important by placing a 3 next to it. A 2 should be placed by your second choice. A 1 should be placed by the statement or choice that is least like you. Do not debate too long over any one statement. Your first reaction is desired.

1. In a coaching situation, I want to:

A. ________ Be in charge

B. ________ Give assistance to my co-workers

C. ________ Come up with new ideas

2. If I have ultimate responsibility for a project, I:

A. ________ Depend on my own expertise to accomplish tasks

B. ________ Delegate work and oversee progress

C. ________ Use teamwork to accomplish tasks

3. My co-workers see me as:

A. ________ A competent person

B. ________ A considerate person

C. ________ A forceful person

4. When I disagree with a decision, I:

A. ________ I voice my disapproval immediately

B. ________ Take into consideration other peoples’ feelings and circumstances

C. ________ Suggest alternatives based upon logic

5. In a group discussion:

A. ________ I encourage others to express themselves

B. ________ I will change my view only if a better one is suggested

C. ________ My ideas generally prevail

6. During player-coach-management disputes I would:

A. ________ Keep human relations smooth

B. ________ Maintain a position of strength

C. ________ Work for a compromise

7. I am most satisfied with my job when I:

A. ________ See progress being made

B. ________ Have a strong voice in determining policy

C. ________ Work with others to achieve results

8. When disagreements arise, I usually:

A. ________ Yield a point to avoid conflict

B. ________ Stick to my guns

C. ________ Use reasoning to seek the best solution

9. As a coach, I would:

A. ________ Permit flexibility as long as the job gets done

B. ________ Recognize that players have good days and bad days

C. ________ Insist on compliance with my rules and directions

10. As a member of the coaching staff dealing with a player disciplinary problem I would

most likely:

A. ________ Try to get my ideas adopted

B. ________ Solicit ideas from all members of the coaching staff

C. ________ Review the facts

11. When selecting a player or new coach I would:

A. ________ Expect future loyalty to me

B. ________ Hire the person who is technically the best

C. ________ Take into consideration future teamwork relations with players or fellow coaches

12. I am most happy in my work if I:

A. ________ Am the decision maker

B. ________ Work with good friends and colleagues

C. ________ Make significant achievements

Scoring is done across the page from left to right. For each question put you’re a, b, and c score in the appropriate columns. Note that a, b, and c scores do not remain in the same column. Continue until all scores are filled in and then total the columns.

Column I Column II Column III

1. a ________ 1. c ________ 1. b ________

2. b ________ 2. a ________ 2. c ________

3. c ________ 3. a ________ 3. b ________

4. a ________ 4. c ________ 4. b ________

5. c ________ 5. b ________ 5. a ________

6. b ________ 6. c ________ 6. a ________

7. b ________ 7. a ________ 7. c ________

8. b ________ 8. c ________ 8. a ________

9. c ________ 9. a ________ 9. b ________

10. a ________ 10. c ________ 10. b ________

11. a ________ 11. b ________ 11. c ________

12. a ________ 12. c ________ 12 b ________

Total ________ Total ________ Total ________

Grand total should be 72 ________

The total numerical score for each respective column should be represented on the next page by a dot. This dot should be drawn under and in the middle of the corresponding column heading. These dots should reflect the numerical point total for each of the three columns. A dot will be drawn for columns I, II, and III. The dots should then be connected with a straight line. This gives you a picture representation of motivational needs. Column I represents your need for power. Column II represents your need for achievement. And, Column III represents your need for affiliation.



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If after completing this inventory your score was highest in Column I, this represents your need for power and control. If your score was highest in Column II, this represents your need for achievement. If your score was highest in Column III, this represents your need for affiliation Again, be aware there is no right or wrong here. Your answers should be based on those responses you find most satisfying and rewarding. When I use to do this inventory with my classes, the highest category was usually achievement. This was followed by affiliation, and then by power. I believe this maybe somewhat misleading, as in our society we are conditioned not to be to outspoken, rock the boat, or be perceived to be to argumentative. Power, in and of itself is not a bad thing as long as you don't use it tyrannically or use it to hurt other people. I have come to realize that being captain of your ship and master of your fate is a desirable thing. If you are going to metaphorically live or die by your decisions, being in control of your situation and what happens to you as much as possible cannot be downplayed.