Lesson 23 Progressive relaxation



Edmund Jacobsen developed Progressive Relaxation 85 years ago


* He is credited with developing over 200 exercises related to this treatment technique


Jacobsen believed that by fully relaxing the muscles, one could in turn relax the mind


- What effects the mind effects the body and visa versa


- The body cannot be stressed and the mind relaxed


- “An anxious mind cannot exist within a relaxed body”


- “Every change in the physiological state is accompanied by an approximate change in the

   mental-emotional state”





Progressive relaxation involves the tensing and relaxing of muscles


Progressive Relaxation is based on the theory that…


- It is possible to learn the difference between tension and relaxation


- Tension and relaxation are mutually exclusive. It is not possible to be relaxed and tense at the

   same time


- Relaxation of the body through decreased muscle tension, will, in turn decrease mental tension



By learning to recognize tension within the body, it can assist the person to teach themselves to relax



Remember psychological skills are just like physical skills, the more you practice them the better you get at them. Progressive relaxation is no different.





Remember when performing this activity to:


- Lie in a comfortable position


- Dress in comfortable loose-fitting clothes


- Practice this activity in a quiet environment free of distraction



Other consideration:


- You can utilize your bed if you can continue to have access to your device, or you can lie on the  



- Just make sure you are comfortable


- You may want to utilize a mat or some type of other soft surface if needed


- You can also utilize a pillow if you so desire


- Bottom line take the steps you need to take to be comfortable and relaxed during the activity


Cormier, W. & Cormier, L. (1985) Interviewing strategies for helpers. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.

Weinberg, R. and Gould, D. (2019). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. 7TH ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.